Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Research Topic # 1

            My first Research topic is about child abuse. I started deeply thinking about child abuse when I saw a movie dealing with this serious topic.
The movie is called Bastard out of Carolina . It struck me because there are other girls and boys who have to deal with it. And it's really horrible.
      In an article i read it said child abuse isn't just physical violence.
People always think that is just physical, but it's there are many types of child abuse. For ex. when parents   "Forget" to feed their child ( Neglect ) that's is a sign of child abuse. When parents say to their child your worthless, you were a mistake that's child abuse, that's emotional child abuse. People always think that abused children always grow up to be abusers. But that isn't true when children grow up they would most definetley avoid being a child abuser. They don't want their child having to grow up like they had to. People also think that child abusers are bad people, that's not true. Because some people have a problem and they're are really good people, but they have a mental problem.
   When people abuse their child, they get insecure about themselves. They don't trust people. Growing up with out trust is bad, because when in adult hood their relationship might turn out bad because they had no trust as a child. And they won't be able to trust anyone.
    Another way is sexual abuse, the character in Bastard out of Carolina dealt with it. Her stepfather sexual abused her ( but you have to read the book for detail). Some sexual abuse dosen't have to be touching, but exposing a child to sexual  situations. It actually scars them for life. It's something they shouldn't feel or see.
   The article also mention signs of Emotional Abuse if the child get's scared of doing the wrong thing, or isn't attached to parent(s) as well as they should be.

   Signs of Physical Abuse is if the child has weird cuts on body or wearing innapropriate clothing to cover marks like wearing a sweater on 100 degree days or very flichy and afraid of someone touching him or her.
     Sign's of Neglectual Abuse is the child's clothes are filthy if their hygiene like unwashed hair or has body odor. Or has  Untreated illnesses and physical injuries. And is frequently late or absent from school.

   Sign's of Sexual Abuse is having trouble walking or sitting, displays their knowledge of sex. Makes efforts to avoid people, has problem changing clothes in front of parents.Or runaway's from home.

 There is also this song called Runaway Love by Ludacris ft. Mary J. Blidge. . It deals with all types of child abuse.

   My personal opinion is that I hate the fact that boy's and girls have to deal with this. It's horrible that parents think physically discplining kids will teach them to behave , they just grow up in fear of everything and that truly sucks.

1 comment:

  1. You did a great job of elaborating on the topic of child abuse. I like how you incorporate a variety of sources. Work on collecting and reading more valuable sources; youtube is not an acceptable research tool.
