Teen pregnancy rates in the United States declined steadily from 1991 to 2005 from 60 out of 1000 teenagers in 1991 to 40.5 out of 1000 in 2005. However, the teen pregnancy rate increased for two years in a row in 2006 and 2007,to more than 42 out of 1000. Approximately one-third of young women in the United States become pregnant during their teens. More than 80% of teen pregnancies are unintended and unintentional. The highest teen birth rate occurs in Hispanic women 83 out of 1000 in 2006.Its really bad thatthe percentage of it, is going up and up each year.
On mtv the have a show called " 16 and Pregnant " It shows 6 girls who are 16 and who are pregnant. It shows all the tough decisions they have to make. One girl ended up not being able what she wanted to because of her pregnancy, they have to deal with all their peers looking at them , saying and thinking mean and rude coments. It sounds easy, but after watching what happened to these girls I realize it's not easy. Some of them were really poor, and couldn't even afford these babies. Here's a trailer http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLiXS02Mj7U . They can't have fun in their highschool years, because they have a baby to deal with.
The Grandparent(s) end up having to take care of the baby during the day because the want their child to have an education. Some Grandparents have to give up what they have just to take care of the baby. And it'a stressful because the mother and the grandparents have to stop hanging out with their friends, stop going to work because they have to take care of one baby.
Did you know ?
- 85 percent of teenage pregnancy are unplanned,
- 15 percent of teenage pregnancies are planned
- The reason for lack of prenatal care is delayed by pregnancy testing
- Because the body of a teen is still growing ,she will need more nutritional support to meet both her needs and that of her baby
- It's advised that if you have a teenage pregnanacy that you get counseling
- Lack of the proper amount of nutrition can lead to problems like anemia (low iron), low weight gain, etc.
- A problem is that teen mothers uses drugs, alchohol, and smoking cigarettes which can really damage the baby
- Premature birth create a problem, like brain damage,physical disabilities and more
- Many of the teen mothers who take active roles in their care do go on to have healthy babies
- Sometimes teenage pregnancies bring families together
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