Monday, December 13, 2010

First Draft to Author's Note

  Child abuse is a really terrible thing that happens to children all around tthe world. It's horrible because kids have side effects to child abuse, which is basically what I'm dedicating to the book. It's just like medicine child abuse has it's side effects.

 I got inspired by writing the book because previously i saw a movie dealing with two types of child abuse physical and sexual abuse, and that made me want to start researching this topic. And during this process it made me realize what bad things kids actually have to go through. I also learned the affects of child abuse for physical abuse is if the child has unexplained weird shaped marks  on their body, they have fear of adults , and has antisocial behavior. For Emotional abuse Apathy, Depression, Lack of concentration and eating disorders. For Neglect unsuitable clothing for weather, dirty or unbathed, and extreme hunger.

 I made this story so you can actually see the signs of child abuse which basically is my moral

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